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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Yates Center, Kansas

One of the most pleasant places I've seen so far.  But first, the thrilling conclusion to my rainy day:

After waiting a bit longer at Sonic, I got back on the road.  I went about 100 yards and saw there were still massive dark clouds to the west, and lightning struck to the north and south.  I remembered my promise to Alicia - that I would come back alive.  It seemed that heading into a possible Kansas thunderstorm was violating that promise, so I turned back around.  But this time I went to McDonald's to wait.  And what was outside?  A touring bicycle!  I was excited to go in a pick out the rider, but instead he came out to talk to me.  He had started in Cleveland and was heading to Arizona, but was probably quitting today after getting a ride to Wichita.  I felt a bit bad because it seemed he was having a tougher time of things than I had.  He didn't want to travel in the heat during the day, so he'd been sleeping during the day and biking through the night.  The weather was much nicer, but it was also creepy.  I could see myself doing it in the right circumstance.  Anyway, it was nice to finally run in to someone.

So we both sat there for an hour or so until I thought it looked clear enough in the sky and on radar to make a run for it.  So I did, and 90 minutes later I pulled in to Yates Center.  

But with nowhere to stay!  I went to the town square, and went into what appeared to be a newspaper office to ask where the police station was. The guy said it was right across the street, but thought that they did not allow camping in town.  We went across, and the officer confirmed that, but when he saw my bike he said that cyclists are allowed to camp - the rule is just to prevent RV campers.  We went back over to the newspaper office, and the other guy came out and handed me $20.  

"What's that for?", I asked.
"To help with your journey.  That's how we do things around here", he said.
"I don't need it.  I'm all set".
"I insist".
"I can't take that".
"Why not?"

This went on a while, until he wore me down and I did take the $20.  I offered to bring them back something from the restaurant but they said no, and thanked ME for my offer.  How crazy is this?  At the end he said "speak kindly of Yates Center".  So I will.  It's a great small town, has a nice downtown, and lovely park and a community pool.  The people are friendly, the police are helpful, and the roast beef at the Feedbunk restaurant is excellent.  And I haven't even enjoyed breakfast yet!

So now I'm all set up in the town park.  All my stuff is under a gazebo for the coming rain, but I am outside on the grass.  Hopefully it won't be too heavy if it comes.,-95.73587252


  1. Dear Dave,
    Sounds like you're meeting really interesting people. Move over Philip Roth. You can't make this stuff up.
    Have a good day.

  2. This post made me smile that there are still genuinely friendly and generous folks out there. Also your mom's post was nice. Too much sugar in one post.

    Good to hear you're mentally intact.
