Map Top

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Future route choices

Today and tomorrow I will sit down and look at a map with Alicia's uncle, an avid cyclist himself.  We'll plan a nice route for me - maybe west through Utah?  Or farther north towards Yellowstone?  Or between the two towards southern Idaho and Boise?  I get excited just thinking about it.

The infamous TransAmerica takes the northern route through Yellowstone, hits western Montana, cuts across central Idaho, then west to Eugene, Oregon.  That's certainly a valid option for me.  Note: even though I chose the southern Kansas route because the TA was there, I never actually followed it.  It zigzagged around through some back roads, and went through fewer towns than I did.  I ended up picking my route because it was direct and maximized my town frequency.  That's a killer combo.  I'll look at what the TA does in the mountains and then decide.

Where I come out on the coast will all depend on timing.  I've been a little stressed about reaching San Francisco in time, so I'll see when I get to Oregon and decide then.  If I'm doing well, I'll go up to Seattle.  If I'm just doing OK, I'll come out in Portland.  And if I'm in trouble, I'll head for Eugene.  

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