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Sunday, June 5, 2011

The kindness of strangers

So here's what went down.  I was making terrific time to the campsite when it began to rain.  At first it was nice cool rain, but it picked up enough that I stopped to make sure all my stuff was protected enough.  About 10 seconds after I started, it started to pour, so I pulled over under at some guy's house (he said it was ok).  It only lasted a few minutes, and before I left I checked the radar, and there was a big storm just northwest of me...I just didn't know which way it was moving.  But it was now dry so I headed out.  Within a few minutes it was clear that the storm was heading towards me, so I looked for new shelter and eventually went up to a house with an open garage.  I asked if I could wait out the coming storm, and he said yes and got me a chair.  We chatted for a minute, and I asked, since the rain might delay me until it was getting dark, if I could set up my tent in his back yard.  He said yes, and even gave me a couple hot dogs he was grilling.

So, now the rain is passed and I'm helping him replace the brake rotors on his motorcycle, then I'll be off to bed. 

Tomorrow I think I'll head south towards Lancaster.  Amish country sounds pretty, plus it's relatively flat so I may be able to put in some miles. Now back to the motorcycle...

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